Upon Securing your booking with a deposit/and or hiring our services, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.
Diamond lounge Limocoach $350
· The bond of $350 is separate to the Coach hire payment and will be returned within the week after the event providing our terms and conditions are met upon inspection of the bus. Our drivers do not carry cash.
· Please send through your bank details for your bond to be returned after the event.
· Please note: Securing your booking is agreeing to our terms and conditions
The deposit/bond is separate to the bus hire payment and will be returned approximately one week after charter if after an inspection of the Coach at the final drop off location, providing our Terms & Conditions are met
PLEASE NOTE: If you have paid in full via bank transfer or credit card, please send through your bank details for your bond to be returned the week after the event providing our terms and conditions are met upon inspection of the bus. Our drivers do not carry cash if you have paid via this method.
You will need to print your name in full on an envelope provided and sign once the bond has been given Back to you.
All Deposits are non-refundable if you cancel for any reason.
Please understand that all deposit/bonds are non-refundable if the charter is cancelled for any reason.
If you cancel the service upon arrival of charter Full charter cost is due and payable.
If you cancel within 24 hours of charter date – the full amount quoted is due immediately.
If you cancel within 7 days of charter 50% of total charter cost is due immediately.
If you cancel with more than 7 days’ notice – deposit/bond is non-refundable FOR ANY REASON.
All deposits (if cancelled) can be reused on another booking within 6 months of original date, please note this a one-time transfer of date only after one date change bond is withheld.
Go Party Bus/ DL bookings can be paid for in a number of options, we accept: Cash, Credit Card or Bank transfer as valid payment methods.
Where you are paying in cash for the charter – please ensure you have the full amount quoted collected and ready to give to the driver at the start of charter. Please understand the drivers do not carry change so have the corrected amount quoted.
All Invoices must be finalized before the hire commences.
The driver will only accept the full amount quoted and will not take individual payments from customers.
Bank transfer – if you choose to pay Via Transfer, the full quoted cost must be transferred 1 week prior to the date. If this method is chosen bond will be transferred back electronically providing all T&C’s are met
Credit Card – if you choose to make full payment via CC this must be done 1-week prior VIA phone call to this office on 0408992246. Again, bond will be transferred back electronically if paid via this method.
Full amount quoted due 1 week prior to booking date either via credit card or bank transfer.
Drinking alcohol on board any bus in WA is illegal. By Law STRICTLY NO ALCOHOL is allowed to be consumed on board and no open alcohol containers to be carried.
Fines may be issued to passengers by police and transport officers upon which can board at random times.
Go Party Bus and Diamond lounge Limocoach will not be held responsible for any fine issued and if fines issued will be passed on to the hirer. Drivers can lose their ability to drive, buses may be stripped of their charter licence and passengers can be issued with individual fined of up to $5000.
Go Party Bus Drivers reserve the right to inspect every patron whom enters the bus as well as baggage to ensure no alcohol is brought on board.
All un opened alcohol purchased from wineries etc must be kept up front of the bus with the driver.
Go Party Bus drivers also reserve the right to as passengers to leave the bus or termination of charter should they find passengers drinking. Please understand no deposits of monies paid will be refunded
Please refer to – The Liquor Control Act 1988 – offences relating to the above are referred to as “street drinking”
If a passenger/s are found to be overly intoxicated and or causing issues to public – they may be asked by the driver or Go Party Bus representative to leave the Bus and require to source their own transport at their own cost.
At Go Party Bus, we like to ensure of staff and drivers are able to enjoy a safe and fun environment without being subject to rude, aggressive or dangerous behaviours from the client / his or her guest whilst in charter. The driver has his/her legal right and duty to request a passenger/s to exit the vehicles under one of the following occasions:
Smoking on board
Alcohol on board
Passenger/s throw a bottle from the vehicle – individual passengers will be given the chance first then if that fails all passengers are asked to leave.
Passenger/s have not adhered to sensible alcohol consumption
Passenger/s are rude/aggressive and or abusive
Passenger/s are and or have damaged party equipment or Go Party Bus Property.
Passenger/s hanging body parts out the window
Passenger/s standing, Dancing on seats or luggage racks
Any Physical fighting, unruly or abusive behaviour, damage to personal property, passengers’ property or property of Go Party Bus/Diamond Lounge will result in Termination of charter and withdraw of services.
Every Go Party Bus/Diamond Lounge charter requires a bond. Your deposit paid to secure your booking becomes your bond on the day of charter. If all terms and conditions are adhered to the bond is refundable in full after the event in a method determined by your payment option. Your bond will be withheld/termination of charter in full if:
Vomit if found on any part of the vehicle this includes exterior
Bus is left in an unsatisfactory way – bottles, cans, rubbish etc
Bottles/cans/rubbish thrown out window
Damage to any part of the interior – Go Party Bus with take action to recover costs if required
Standing on seats/luggage racks
Excessive mess on floor
Damage to party equipment eg – lights/stereos etc
Alcohol found/consumed on board
Emergency exits/hammers activated
Unpleasant conditions – urine etc
Driver excessively distracted by passengers
Please understand that if any damages are caused to any public/private property by patrons on charter, Go Party Bus/ Diamond lounge are within its rights to pass on details of the Hirer as you are responsible for your group.
Go Party Bus/ Diamond lounge will not be held responsible for any costs or liability for any damages all liability remains with the hirer.
Go Party Bus/DL accepts no liability for the actions of any other patron or member of public for any loss or damage to any property or for injury or death caused to any patron.
The Hirer and the driver will inspect the bus after the charter is completed, if bus is ok and or no terms have been broken bond will be returned – you must sign the envelope provided by the driver.
If terms are broken the driver is within his/her rights to withhold the bond.
Our vehicles are inspected before, during and after the trip has ended. All financial liabilities of repairs or replacements will be the sole responsibility of the customer.
Please understand, that if you stand, you do so at your own risk.
It is recommended that whilst the vehicle is in motion that all passengers are seated
It is recommended where seat belts are provided that passengers should use.
Please understand that if you suffer any type of injury while on our vehicles, Go Party Bus/diamond lounge will not be held responsible.
All Go Party Bus and Diamond Lounge Vehicles are equipped with video and recording devices. The footage recorded will and can be used in a court of law and footage will solely remain the property of Go Party Bus/diamond lounge.
The Hirer is solely responsible and liable for the actions and behaviours of all their passengers/s. if the Hirer is unwilling to control issue passengers/s the driver has the legal right and duty to ask passenger/s to exit he vehicle immediately and the tour/charter to continue without them. Failure to comply will result in termination of carter and no refund will be provided and or any expenses incurred by the passengers will not be reimbursed by Go Party Bus or Diamond Lounge under any circumstances. By booking this service it is the clients responsibility to ensure all guests are aware of the terms and conditions. The hirer will be asked to enforce these conditions upon day of charter and if not being adhered to loss of bond and or termination of charter.
All Go Party Bus/Diamond lounge Limocoach are booked for set time slots. If passenger’s fail to board within 15 minutes of the agreed time the bus will depart. $50 per 15 min and $50 per half an hour after may be applied also.
If passengers fail to board while on tour the Client /lead guest will need to make the final decision upon if the bus departs within a max time frame of up to 15mins. After this point the driver will need to depart and GoPartyBus/ Diamond lounge will not be held responsible for passenger’s failing to load and depart at agreed time and it will be the passenger/s responsibility to source transportation at their own cost.
If a wine tour/ transfer runs over time by more than 20 minutes Go Party Bus and diamond Lounge Limo coach are within rights to withhold $50 on all party buses and $150 on limo coaches.
Please understand if you wish to change your drop off location from what originally was booked in you must do so 1 week prior to the booked event. Please understand that if on the day of charter if drop off location is changed; additional charges may apply.
If you have requested a specific type of color bus, we will try our best to provide this bus but unfortunately circumstances may arise that will prevent this from happening. In this case we will provide another color bus. All our buses have the same features and service.
If you have requested a specific driver, please understand that circumstances can change and we can’t promise all the time to provide the driver as requested. All our drivers offer the same quality service and friendly attitude you’re hoping for.
If you have booked a 45-seater bus and numbers drop and you wish to request a smaller bus – if one is available we are happy to swap otherwise the full amount quoted for the agreed bus size will be due and payable
Go Party Bus/Diamond Lounge reserves the right to allocate its buses to suit conditions. In some cases, 45 seater buses may complete 21 seater jobs at no extra cost and diamond lounge vehicles may be used as well for no extra cost.
Please note: after you have paid your deposit your next thing you will need to do is contact the venues you and your group wish to attend.
Once you have confirmed your venues and times please send your itinerary through to us so we can add to your booking.
Every venue you wish to attend requires a booking. Buses will be turned away without a booking.
Full payment will be required if tour is cancelled due to failure to book venues.
Please understand as you as the hirer are responsible for your guests throughout the day.
If a group is refused entry to a venue Go Party Bus/ Diamond lounge are within its rights to Terminate charter and return to initial pick up with no refunds and full monies paid.
Any fights/ anti-social behaviour on Go Party Buses are not tolerated and charter will be terminated.
Please understand your group will be subject to a lot of other families and other groups while on charter, it is the hirers responsibility to ensure your group is under control.
If a venue askes the group to leave, the hirer must ensure all the group departs the venue asap.
Any damage/theft at any venues will be the responsibility of the hirer to provide information regarding if such incident arises
Go party Bus/Diamond Lounge is within its rights to pass on details of Groups in question relating to any incidents and will not be held liable for any damages or theft caused by groups while on charter.
Go Party Bus/Diamond Lounge gives its advice on journey times in good faith and does not guarantee the completion of any journey in any specific time and will not be liable for loss or inconvenience caused by the actual journey time (should any issues arise en route with passenger/s)
Traffic, road works, previous group delays, unpleasant conditions clean up, festival traffic and acts of nature are all points of which may cause delay to planned pick up/drop off time. Drivers will do their best to inform clients of any possible delays. Go party Bus/Diamond Lounge will not be held Liable for any refunds or discounts due to any of stated points.
Go Party Bus/ Diamond Lounge reserves the right to change vehicles subject to breakdown or unforeseen circumstances. Should alternate vehicles be used in such circumstances, no refunds will be given. Any compensation will be assessed on a case by case basis
Go Party Bus/ Diamond Lounge Takes no responsibility for any Loss of VIP entry deals or covering any door charges if you don’t arrive on time to the designated venue you/we have arranged.
SCHOOL BALLS (strictly No alcohol) – future SFL
Go Party Bus/ Diamond Lounge charges school balls on a Per person basis with a minimum number/cost stated in the quote – this process is non-negotiable.
A photo stop is included with all school ball bookings but we are limited by where the location of the ball is. E.g. if your ball is in Fremantle photo location is monument hill. Due to traffic and timings of school balls in most cases kings park is out of question.
If your ball is in Joondalup – photo location will need to be in the northern suburbs either a beachside location/botanic golf etc. kings park is not possible Due to travel time and traffic etc.
If your ball is in the city – Kings Park, Queens Park, South Perth foreshore and surrounds are all ok.
1.5hrs allowed prior to the ball drop time and depending on after ball 1hr allowed on pick up.
A max of 10 minutes is allowed for the clothes change stop – no exceptions
If after ball location is further than 15mins from initial pick up location extra charges will apply
Not bags or belongings to be brought on/left on bus/coach – please arrange for bags to be transported else where by a parent etc.
All school ball booking cancellations require 7 days’ notice or full charter cost is due and payable.
Once your final numbers are confirmed (7 days prior to ball) the balance price is final. If any changes happen to your numbers please ensure this is before 7 days prior to the event as individual refunds are not available.
Full payments to be received 1 week prior to school ball – no exceptions
Strictly no alcohol to be brought on/consumed on our buses. If found termination of charter immediately.
Go Party Bus/Diamond Lounge Limocoach takes no responsibility for loss or damage of personal items on board during or after your event. All personal Belongings eg jackets, ipods, bags, phones are of the responsibility of the hirer.
We ask that all personal items are removed on every start and completion of journey.
Our Coaches
30 Seater
Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Nunc nonummy metus. Fusce ac felis sit amet ligula pharetra condimentum. Nunc nulla. Morbi mollis tellus ac sapien.40 Seater
Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Nunc nonummy metus. Fusce ac felis sit amet ligula pharetra condimentum. Nunc nulla. Morbi mollis tellus ac sapien.
Request a Quote - Limo Bus Hire Perth
Book your Diamond Lounge experience today, our experienced staff are ready to create the perfect transport for you and your guests. Simply click the button below and complete the form to get the wheels moving. If you would prefer a chat, give is a call on 08 9249 8880